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A few tips to increase sales figures and hit target!

Working in a Sales environment most of my life there’s a couple of principles that if you follow you’ll increase sales figures. Now I’m not saying there’ll always be good sales, or ones in which will reap long serving goals but they’re sales.  They’re all simple to follow and will have immediate results.  

Harness The Power Of Online Reputations

These days, there are many people with big online reputations. I’m talking about popular bloggers or YouTubers with huge followings. They can amass millions of followers across all forms of social media. What this means is that there’s a huge opportunity for the savvy business person. Your company needs to harness the power that these online reputations have. Send out free products to people with big followings. Ask them to write a blog or upload a video where they mention the product. You could even sponsor their blog/video, and get them to link people to your product. Now, you’re tapping into an audience that’s far greater than your own. It will take years for you to grow a social media following as large as some online personalities. So, cut corners, and use them to promote your business and boost sales. My top tip is to find people that fit in with your brand values and have some relevance to your product. For example, if you sell blenders, it makes sense to give some free ones to fitness bloggers/YouTubers. Whereas, it wouldn’t make sense to give one to a blogger that writes TV show reviews.  

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

When you list products on your website, they’re usually accompanied by a description. Many people go into lots of detail, trying to include everything they can think of to entice the consumer. It doesn’t matter how good your description is, the main thing that matters is the product image. If you’ve got one image of the item, and it looks bad, then no one will buy it. What you need are various images from different angles. I’d even suggest finding locations that a perfect for photo shoots so you can take pictures of people using your products. The more pictures someone sees, the more confident they feel about a purchase. Plus, the images can help get them more excited, and tempt them into buying.  

Temporarily Reduce Prices

Sometimes, a great tactic is to temporarily reduce your prices. Why? Because every consumer loves a flash sale. They love it when they see prices have been slashed for a limited time only. Those last three words are crucial, limited time only. When people have a time limit, they’re more inclined to make a purchase. Who wants to miss out on such a good bargain, right? The benefit of reducing prices is that you can also draw in new customers. You get new people signing up and buying your discounted items. Therefore, you have more emails and more people to contact in the future, and draw in with promotions, etc. It’s amazing how quickly you’ll see results with these three secrets. Your sales figures will shoot up, and more money will flow into your business.]]>

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