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Make the most of working from home

If you run a business from home, there are many benefits it can have for you. If you have a small family, you can comfortably run the business while spending enough quality time to ensure that they are both evenly balanced. But there are issues when it comes to working from home that cannot be underestimated. It can either be the beginning of you be or the end of you (in business terms). So here are the benefits and drawbacks and you can decide if it suits you or not. If You Work At Home, You’ll Have To Change Your Approach To Work You may be working at home, but if you think you can sit around all day and answer an email or two you’ve got another thing coming! You’re running a company, so act like it. It can be so very tempting to work on the couch all day, but your productivity will wane, and if a problem arises, and you need the help of specialised software disaster recovery specialists, you won’t be prepared to face the consequences. Instead, set a work regime. Assign a space where you will work, and you won’t leave until the day’s work is done. And dress accordingly! How Professional Do You Want The Business To Look? Following on from dressing accordingly, making your business look as professional as you can could take many forms. But if you are trying to run a business out of where you live, then having a space just for that will helpe separate the home from the business. Like if you were running a health consultancy business, then you can dedicate a room to be the office. Another way is to hire services such as virtual offices. They can provide mail forwarding addresses so you don’t have to use your home address. As well as you not having to put your residential address on documents it adds a layer of professionalism to your business as it has a proper office address. Make Sure That You Don’t Work At Home All The Time Being indoors constantly will feel the same as an office after a while, and your creativity will be sapped. You probably have the benefit of working with a portable computer, so take it out. Go and sit in a coffee shop for the morning. Your sanity will thank you for it! And if you don’t have a laptop, invest in one and claim it as a business expense. Check What You Are Entitled To Working from home can come with additional electricity costs and you may start to suffer form “cabin fever” on occasion. When it comes to doing your tax return, you can claim back a certain portion of your energy bill as a business expense. Or depending where you are, you could get commerical electricity rates. There are many things you are able to claim as an expense because you’re self employed. Have a look. Working from home is a dream for so many people, and it can be a great benefit to your life. But make sure that balance is defined.]]>

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