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Daddy I ate a Frog! #Baby Led #Weaning

So what’s baby led weaning?

That’s what went through my head when Mrs P was talking about what we should do with Dorothy.

Well it turns out it’s the art of turning your sweet baby into a zebra using only cooked beetroot and the artistic flair of a wind milling 6 month old 🙂 Baby Led Weaning at 6 Months You see we’ve been giving Dorothy bits of our dinner (without sauces, salt, pepper etc.) for the last few months. When I say giving them to her, we’ve all enjoyed the same eating ritual with the food in front of us and if she’s inclined to eat then great. We’ve cut up pears, apples, mangos, tomatoes you name it and we’ll include it on her bumbo tray at meal times and watch intently as she learns to enjoy food wether it goes in her mouth or not. We've had some funny moments and here's the best of them. To start with I was very scared. Having your precious little baby eating adult food and watching as they develop their gag reflex is important but I nearly died a few times! I’m sure your child has different requirements and there’s no one rule for everyone so it’s best to play it by ear. Rachel prepares all of the food while I’m away at work but it’s fantastic to be able to all eat together, and it also gives us a respite to chow down. She loves food time, I think it’s very healthy and Mrs P has done an amazing job at making exciting creations that entertain Dorothy and certainly us. At this stage there’s not enough going down to replace the gold top milk but it’s a start and she loves it. I’ve included a video from Mother & Baby TV they do a fair job explaining and it’s great to see a video of the baby loving food. ]]>

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