One of my earliest memories as a child was playing organ with my Nan listening to her playing Vera Lynn renditions and the occasional have cockney classic such as Knees up Mother Brown.
To give you an idea of what I mean have a listen to this classic:
Music has stayed with me from those days, through primary school where I performed at county level to a secondary school A* and grades in normal and jazz piano. It’s been important to my life as a way to escape the world for a few minutes at a time to focus 100% on something creative and sometimes beautiful sounding.
Moving into an old home Mrs P bought her piano which I stupidly didn’t take with us when we moved and missed every day since.
So the years went by and the need never went away. We looked at cheap and ugly looking stand alone keyboards and while I didn’t want a full piano, Mrs P and Bettie agreed that style for a little bit more, was worth so much more in the long run, and meant I’d have something to play which also hooks up to my mac.
It’s a creative mess with an extension cord for my laptop ready to put Garageband on and “JAM” away, but that never stopped there. (The seat’s been well worn)
Beth and her clarinet practice happen here and she’s been continuing her school lessons into our home. She won’t let me teach her, she’s stubborn like her mum 🙂
Since Dorothy was a few days old, when she was unsettle I’d sit her on my knee and play away and she’d be in heaven. Listening to the high notes were like angels and stars, and low notes gave her shivers. But she loved it, it was like an experience that was overwhelming her senses.
I’ve always tried to include music in our lives, from putting Apple Music on when preparing lunch or dinner in the kitchen, to dancing around and listening to Rachel’s Vinyl collection on the best present she’s ever received.
Music has this impact on Dorothy now, she can’t get enough. When mummy dances and shakes her head, to daddy’s air guitar and Beth’s clarinet it’s all having the same effect and it’s amazing.
She’ll even try to get her feet involved where possible 🙂
Dorothy has her pride of place now next to the piano and when I come in from work, if it’s slightly late in the day and she’s a bit tired but hasn’t eaten, I’ll sit her in the bloom and play a few songs to chill her out. It’s almost like she forgets the tiredness and becomes enveloped in the sounds.
Earlier this week I took a day off to support Mrs P and give her a break. It’s been a very difficult time for us all and I took a holiday day to give her some extra hours in bed. First thing in the morning Dorothy and I got to visit Tesco and I found this 3 years plus keyboard. I couldn’t understand why it was 3 years plus but to hell with it. She’ll be supervised and the baby ones are so boring and expensive.
She clearly loves it just look at her face. She’ll sit there like I sit at the piano and give it her best. Whether it’s the demo or some random keys, I know I’m leaving memories with her that will last a life time and hopefully, I’ll have the same influence over Dorothy’s love of music, that my Nan had with mine.
[blockquote]How have you got on with your children and music or do you love a good dance when no one is watching! Leave a comment and if you like this, please share or like. Follow me on Facebook to continue the journey. Phill and Family x[/blockquote]]]>
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