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A letter to my 18 year old self

When Martin Lee came asking for a guest post for this blog Fatherleemoments.com I just couldn’t turn down the opportunity. So it was published today and I was over the moon as I tried to be honest but add a bit of humour in there. Take a read yourself and think about the letter you’d send yourself.  

Dear 18 year old me, There’s a number of things I’d like to tell you but first let me explain that you have a very happy, healthy and lovely family. But you live in Wigan! Yes Wigan! Who would have ever thought it. It’s further north than Watford Gap, I know. Also learn to drive earlier, it’s so much more fun and watch out for cars on the Bushey roundabout ? Practice your signature because it’s gonna stay with you for a few years and there’s a couple of embarrassing moments when you can’t nail it! Buy stocks in Apple. Please ? Unfortunately your hero and grandfather Tom passes away in the near future. Take every moment you have with him, relish his knowledge and understand that despite his lack of visible emotion, he’s very proud of you. Life will throw you a curve ball in your career. You’ll become an exceptional golfer and turn professional at 19 but injury will force you to stop a few years later. Life isn’t over and the skills that you learn such as dealing with people, taking a lead on life, instructing others and being competitive stand you in good stead.. Friends come and go. You’re a great judge of character and those that don’t come along with you on the journey that is life, you won’t miss. However those that do are your brothers and would do anything for you. Cherish those friends and the time you have together. You’ll be a great dad to two gorgeous girls. You’ll be their rock and despite not having a dad yourself, you’ll know what to do – don’t worry. You’ll meet the life of your life in a random place but you’ll just know. Your wedding day will be exceptional. Life will never be the same after that moment and whatever challenges come your way, you’ll overcome them together. Top tip for life, fully experience everything life throws at you and don’t regret a thing Whatever you do, Don’t stop being you. It’s what led you to where you are now and the future you wouldn’t change that for the world. Regards The Future You. P.s, love the Henry years at Arsenal, it’ll be a few years before you’ll experience beautiful football like that again.


  1. Ryan Bickham Dad Lad Reply

    What a great idea! I wish I could actually send a letter back to my 18 year old self. #blinkylinky

  2. Cristina Leigh Reply

    I love this, a post like this was one of my first things i wrote when i used to note down ideas. I love the top tip as that is so important

  3. Jennifer B Reply

    Ah, definitely some good advice here, especially your top tip 🙂 if only we could really send a letter back! Mind you I don’t think my 18 year old self would listen 😀

  4. Nige Reply

    Love reading these I love the apple stocks that would of been useful Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky come back next week please

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