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Make Christmas that little bit special this year

Christmas is a magical time, and when you have kids you want to make it as special as possible. These are memories they will cherish forever, and your traditions now will one day become their own with their children. Here are some ideas to make Christmas even more incredible for your kids. With Dottie having her first Christmas it won’t be too mad. But thinking about a perfect Christmas, or even just a little something to make yours a little more giving, than receiving. Have a look at the below: Take Them To Lapland If you’re planning a winter getaway this December, why not visit Santa in Lapland? Possibly the most festive, Christmassy trip you’ll ever take. Lapland in Finland is home to various snow tours, Reindeer rides, and of course, Santa’s Village where you can meet the ‘real’ Santa Claus! An exciting adventure for all the family and a way to well and truly make your children’s dreams come true. If your budget is tighter, there’s a Christmas version of Lapland right here in the UK which could be something to look into.   DIY a Special Advent Calendar Rather than a standard chocolate advent calendar, why not get crafty and make something? It doesn’t need to include expensive treats, you can get Christmas craft kits, cookie cutters, etc. from eBay and Pound shops and turn each day’s gift into a festive activity to do together. If you were feeling really creative, make each day’s gift into a treasure hunt with a clue where they can find the item. It’s something kids will really look forward to doing, if you keep it simple they can even do it in the morning before school for a fun start to the day.   Give To Charity Many charities run ‘box schemes’ where you fill a shoebox with items and treats to give to a less privileged person at Christmas. You could do something like this with your children, and get them to pick out  items to go inside it. The charity will have a list of the types of things you can include, usually basic personal care items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and soap. But you can also add other little things such as small toys and chocolates. Doing something like this help to teach kids importance of giving, and the joy you can get in doing so. It also helps them to understand how fortunate they are to have the things that they do. You could wrap up the box together in Christmas paper and hand deliver it to the drop-off point.   Make a Christmas Eve Box Christmas Eve is like torture to a child- after the big run up to the day, Christmas Eve is the last stretch! Many kids can find it all a little too much, to the point that they can’t even sleep (first world problems!) To make it all a bit more bearable, a Christmas Eve box can be an excellent way to go. It can include things like new pyjamas, a story or a Christmas movie, a game or activity and some snacks. You can even include things like ‘magical reindeer food’ to put out with Father Christmas’ milk and mince pie in the evening.  

Do you have anything extra special planned for Christmas 2016?


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