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48hrs as a Stay at Home Parent

Spending time my girls is really precious so when Mrs P said she’s got an opportunity of a lifetime to go to River Cottage, I used my last two days holiday to have 48 hours with Dottie, and Beth when she’s finished school. So my Day started saying goodbye to my lovely as she set off all glamourous with her fellow Road Trippers down to Devon.

And we’re off! #rivercottagechristmas #threegotodorset #nwbloggersroadtrip

A photo posted by Claire Thomas (@goodeggfoodie) on

It was tough to say goodbye as I’d been in hospital over the last few days with some back issues (which I will post about) and I knew I wasn’t completely 100% and being in charge of a fast moving infant projectile, I couldn’t take the pain killers prescribed to me as I needed to be alert. So starting off the day, Dorothy and I then waved Beth off to school for her day of education and performing arts (need to nurture our future star as we want a nice retirement home) and got down to Breakfast. Apart from the weekends we don’t have breakfast together I normally speed out of the house when it’s dark and get back when it’s dark so it was a unique experience to make breakfast for two. Being on the #DadDiet, I’ve got a method to all my meals and I wanted something we could both enjoy. So Boiled Eggs and Soldiers it was for both of us, with a protein shake and peanut butter added for my protein and fats. After a short trip to B&Q as I wanted to show Dottie the very short but cool Christmas Lights tunnel, we then head to Sing & Sign. Trip to B&Q To See the LightsNow this is a new experience for me but it’s one which is common place every week for Dottie as Rachel takes her and it’s part of her routine. Keeping her routine is so important so however reluctant I was at first, I actually enjoyed it. Being part of Dorothy’s life is important and being able to continue the teachings of the signing class, join in with the songs and re-inforce some of the signs is amazing! I’m not going to say I was great but I was ok actually. I did feel like I was singled out a little for being a Dad and there was lots of talk about mums doing this or that. Us Dads need to represent more, take a morning off. I will certainly be putting some of these little routines as a higher priority. img_0278After a rigorous hour of singing, signing and dancing around Dottie was getting tired but really happy and as soon as I showed her a bottle she was latched on! I’ve never had a problem with Dorothy taking a bottle when mummy isn’t here but it’s difficult when she is. Why would you take a hamburger when you can have a steak 🙂 (Sorry Rachel did refer to you as a steak but meant the gold top milk) img_0283While Dorothy looks like she’s holding the bottle, it’s only the way she would when feeding normally and I’m well and truly in control. With her little finger, just out of shot she has contact with my hand it’s almost like she’s checking I’m still there. So after settling nap time down it’s important that I eat properly too. So a very quick courgette and spinach mix up in the microwave, a small pan that cooks single eggs a lovely cheese scone from the wife and a topping of cheese met all of my requirements, when washed down with a protein shake and espresso for a kick 🙂 While dotties having a nap, I've rocked together a spinach and courgette salad with two eggs, bit of cheese lashings of pepper and a cute ❤️ shaped scone from @vintagefolly. Little protein shake to top up and an Espresso, from a Biatelli from my mate @ginodeblas #goodfood #healthyeating #balanced As soon as my little princess awakes, it’s time to play! And we rock out the little tykes light and go and it’s an amazing adventure all over again. With light, sounds and activities she’s in a world of her own which I can join in with and play pass the ball, work on her hand to eye co-ordination and have a laugh and enjoy time together. Not going to lie, killed my back but was well worth it! Look at this cheeky monkey. What a cheeky choppy just a perfect combination of mummy and daddy. It's like she's got the best of us both @vintagefolly. She loves her @officiallittletikesuk light and go tree house. #imgiraffe #hehehe We managed to get another watch of the Grinch in (my favourite) before it was tea time and then it was time for bed. Where did the time go! Things I’ve learnt today. As a stay at home parent, it’s very easy to put the wellbeing of your child before your own and it’s very difficult. Making sure they’re well fed, entertained and constantly challenged to bring on their development. Those small openings at nap time, it’s would be very easy to not make a nutritious lunch and to do the laundry, dishwasher or chores that are mounting up. Swap a salad for a chocolate bar and crisps and a well earned brew. It’s not like I don’t respect what my wife does for us all as a family, but it’s reinforced what I felt about her. It’s been a great day and roll on tomorrow!]]>

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