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The DadDiet Continues – 1st Month with @RFF_Nutrition

So a month in, waistband in, junk food out and not a tear in sight! It’s been an amazing month so far both on the scales and off. Eating balanced foods really does make a significant difference to the fast and unhealthy food I’ve been eating before. One of the biggest changes that I’ve made is being accountable for what I eat and taking responsibilityy publicly. There’s no hiding when you put yourself out there for both positive and negative reviews.

Being pro-active with your diet includes being pro-active with the ordering of food and having a supportive partner and work colleagues. I normally order enough for three days so the food still tastes fresh, and it’s enough in terms of portions per family pack size.
Cooking brussels in the microwave isn’t the greatest smell in the world but when you can pull a meal out like this, everyone suddenly doesn’t mind.

Nutrition starts at food choices. There’s a load of protein, veg and some carbs #nutrition #lunch #healthyeating

A photo posted by Phill Palmer Corporate Dad (@phill_corporate_dad) on

Getting everyone on board in terms of support is so important but none other than the support of your partner especially if they prepare dinner times. There’s nothing worse than a nutritional terrorist ruining your well laid plans. I’m so luck to have the support of Mrs P and she really does look out for me too. I’ve relayed all conversations I’ve had with Rory at rff_nutrition and my fellow DadDieting buddy. Look at this beautifully home made pea and ham soup with just enough of what I need around the sides.
So the big numbers! I’ve lost 12kgs this month. Which in laymen terms means about 2 inches on the waist, a handful on the love handle grab and it’s 1.8 stones. That’s amazing right 🙂 So thanks to everyone for supporting me so far, there’s still a lot to go to my 93kg goal but I’ll be working hard.    ]]>

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