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Representing the Dad Network at E-Fluent 5, Paris 2016

Being asked to take on a role with the Dad Network to work with the regional leaders to build the local meet ups was amazing. But what happens when the founder Al Ferguson asks you if you’d like to represent on the international stage? Organised by Mayane Communication, The Dad Network with impressive levels of support for Dads has been noticed on an international scene. From the outset it looks like any other community of Dads. You’d be amazed at how different it really is. It’s very harmonious and with the privacy of a closed group as well, it not only raises awareness publicly but offers a safe haven for those that need it. So I’ll be representing on a global scale with over 30 journalists, 8 celebrities, 1 minister, 82 partner brands and influential bloggers from the far corners of the world.

No pressure 🙂

Looking through last year’s amazing images, there’s a common theme across them. Dads aren’t represented. This is quite common and that’s why being there as a Dad, one which loves and respects the work my Wife does for our family, a father to Dorothy and a Step-Dad to Bethany, I’m hoping that I can represent and have fun doing it. I’ll be sharing some of my adventures on the Dad Network Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/Thedadnetwork/ and if you’re a dad looking to join us at one of our local meet ups, email me at local@thedadnetwork.co.uk

On the 28th of November I’ll be flying from Manchester to Paris for what is one of the “Biggest Event for Brand and Parents”.
  International media partners for the event include:
  • Itsy Bitsy FM (Parental Romanian Radio)
  • Antena 1 (Romanian TV Channel)
  • Correio da manhã TV (Portuguese Newspaper and TV Channel)
  • Lady mail .ru (Russian Webzine)
  • StarHit magazine (Russian Magazine)…
  • Luxemburger wort ( Luxembourg newspaper)
So after a limousine pick up from the airport, I’ll be whisked away ready to tell all how amazing the Dad Network is and share some of our values, aims and the story of who we are to the world’s press. I understand that I’ll be sharing a room with John from DadBlogUK.com which will be great. As one of the speakers, he’ll also be flying the flag for us Dads. As one of the fastest growing dad communities, we need to ensure that we’re fairly represented at every stage. My three days away is going to be challenging but rewarding and I can’t wait. Time away from the family is going to be very difficult but being asked to represent on such a large platform and share the story of TDN is vital to ensure Dads who need support, friendship or a laugh can find it. So it’s Bon Voyage from me in a week, and there’s just enough time to learn a few French words and find my passport 🙂  ]]>

One Comment

  1. john adams Reply

    It was great to meet you Phill. You’re clearly very enthusiastic to fly flag for us dads. Keep up the good work. I’ll say this though: as your’s ended up as the party room, I’m glad I had my own to escape to!!

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