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5 Tips for Daddy Daughter Time

Dads, if you want to spend more time getting to know your daughter one on one, you need to take the initiative. Many fathers want to be more a part of their daughter’s life, but they spend too much time overthinking it. The trick is to throw yourself into her world, and enjoy it. It doesn’t have to be an expensive day out shopping; it can be as simple as half an hour throwing snowballs, or hula hooping in the driveway. If you want to spend a bit more time with your little girl – a daddy-daughter date, if you will – here are some suggestions for what you can get up to. Visit a zoo Kids love animals; that’s a given. They especially love animals when their dad gives them piggybacks around the whole park, and occasionally makes animal noises for a laugh. The zoo is a great day out for the entire family, but it’s especially good for daddy-daughter time. Even if you’re not lucky enough to live in a city with a zoo, safari and wildlife parks all over the country are accessible by car and public transport. Just don’t let her anywhere near the gift shop, and it can be a relatively inexpensive day out too. Build a doll’s house Now the weather’s taking a turn for the worse, why not go for a winter DIY project together. Building and decorating a doll’s house together is a great way to teach your girl some valuable skills and gives you both an opportunity to exercise your creative flair. Try using wrapping paper as wallpaper and cut-off fabric for rugs, and fill with cute little dolls house accessories, and at the end of your hard work she has a toy that she can feel proud of, and which will keep her entertained for hours. Go for bowling and ice-cream There’s not a lot to say on this one – everyone loves bowling, everyone loves ice-cream, and a bit of competitive spirit never hurt anyone. Bowling is all laughs and fun, and the opportunity for ice-cream afterwards gives you the chance to catch up on what’s going on in your daughter’s life. It’s win-win. Try ice skating Especially now the weather is taking a wintery turn, ice skating rinks are springing up all over city centres. Wrap up warm (don’t forget gloves!) and just go for it. Chances are, she’ll be better at it than you, and it’ll give you both the opportunity to have a laugh at your expense. Take a bike ride and a picnic As the weather starts to pick up again in the spring, a bike ride and picnic is a lovely daddy-daughter day out. Plan the route beforehand so you know it won’t be too far, and make sure you choose a good spot for lunch. If your girl is a bit older, you could even try camping at the end of it. It gives you both a chance to get some fresh air and your hearts pumping, so it’ll be good moods and positive attitudes all round. The key thing with daddy-daughter dates is just to relax, chat, and take the time to enjoy each other’s company.]]>

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