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Creating Memories for my Children – 2017 Charity Challenge

Sometimes in life you have to just do something, get yourself out there and be adventurous! I would say, be inspirational. When asked about blogging the main comment is “Where do you get the time?” I ask back “what do you do in your spare time?” “I don’t have any spare time” is normally the response but when we talk further it’s actually spent watching TV, playing videos games or using their iPad. There’s the time to find adventure to create memories for themselves and their families and friends. Now I work a lot and spend a large amount of time in the car and that doesn’t do anything good for my health it also doesn’t do anything to create any special memories. Doing the Three Peaks ChallengeI’ve been thinking through for a long while now especially after my Three Peaks training a few years ago and my Isle of Wight 24 hour adventures that the time has come to do something inspirational! Now I’ve got a number of friends who talk avidly about their parents including what they’ve done throughout their lives and the long lasting memories they they’ve created. One includes a John O’Groats to Lands End walking expedition and I follow someone on LinkedIn who unfortunately had a suicide attempt a couple years ago. He’s now cycling cross Europe to raise awareness.

So what am I going to do?
[gallery columns="2" link="file" orderby="rand" ids="11381,11382"] As a dad and step dad, I want to so something that not only raises money for Charity but also raises awareness of the various causes that have been pushed we have been pushing for The Dad Network and also raise some money for a Charity which I really care about. I recently went to Paris to speak about the challenges of being a Dad with a number of leading brands and it will be amazing to raise awareness, raise money for a really good charity and create memories that will stick to my children years to come. There are two charities which I have in mind. We went through IVF to get Dottie and we are so lucky that it worked first time I’m thinking of supporting a charity which helps those less fortunate to conceive. With my twin brother having severe cerebral palsy, he had a lot of support when we were younger so something for MENCAP may be my choice. Now I’m not someone who can cycle I’m far too tall for that and I think that I wouldn’t look great in lycra . I’ve looked into things that are one, challenging and two, pretty epic. After consultation with a number of friends I’ve decided on the Hadrian’s Wall Path which is basically 84 miles of walking across the borders between England and Scotland. Starting in Newcastle and ending in Bowness, The Lake District. Anticipated to last 5-6 days, there will be camping overnight in-between days of walking and the challenge of facing the elements. Now the only problem I see is with my back and I’m sure a number of people know this as it’s been plaguing me for years and it’s something that I need to sort out. I’ve taken the first step which is been reducing my weight and thanks to the DadDiet I’ve lost about two stone already but there is also a need for Physio and potentially even going to Yoga. Speaking to a good friend about with it things are looking brigh. Myself and hopefully a small team will be flying the dad flag very proudly along the whole walk and hopefully people will come and support us but most of all, I’m going to be doing something that my children can be proud of. Something they can look back over the years to come and think wow this is incredible and hopefully drives them to do something incredible as well. You’re meant to look up to your parents and I want to be one of those people that looked up to by my children.

If I’m not teaching them how to be adventurous and to go things that challenge their daily life, who is?

I’m getting together my band of merry men as we speak which include some close friends who also share my passion for being a dad and want to create inspirational memories but also I’m reaching out to my network of Dads who I’m very close with.
Also hoping that they can carry my stuff but let’s not tell them!
Training for a ChallengeI need to thank a good friend for delivering a rucksack which allows me to carry Dorothy safely and take her training with me. Here you can see Cordy testing it out in advance. What’s the point of doing all this if everyone isn’t involved at some point right. There’s also going to be a carrying element so at 9 1/2 kilos she’s good practise too 🙂 So that’s me and what I’m looking to achieve next year personally, for charity and for my family. Expected date is the last weekend in April over the May Bank Holiday and beyond. So if you’re driving along, it’s rainy and someone is walking along the road, that’s probably me or someone else like me training for something EPIC.
We’ll be putting up charity links and support pages but for now, if you could like and share this post for awareness I’d be very appreciative. Wish me luck in the comments below:


  1. bloggingastrid Reply

    I love your idea of creating memorable experiences for you and yoru children while raising money for charity. I’m sure you’ll be able to do just fine on the walk! I’d never heard of MENCAP by the way, but as a person with a mild mobility impairment, I think it’s a great charity.

  2. john adams Reply

    Well Phil, that certainly will create memories! Very best of luck with this. When the links are live do let me know. I’ll happily share. And no, don’t wear Lycra.

    1. corporatedad Reply

      Thanks John, haven’t started training properly yet! As in double figure miles per day. Lycra is always an option for streamlining right? Thanks for the support need to show the girls that anything’s easy with hard work and determination.

  3. Jodie Whitham Reply

    This is incredible and fab example to your kids! I love fundraising so much. Feel free to check out my blog. Hoping to do a christmas fundraising tips post tomorrow, so please it out. I’ve done a variety of fundraising for things such as climbing kilimanjaro, adrenaline challenges and of course worked for a charity. Any questions along your fundraising journey, and feel free to get in touch 🙂 x

  4. Sarah Bear =] Reply

    This is a great post. Good luck with this amazing challenge! I love everything you’ve said, especially “If I’m not teaching them how to be adventurous and to go things that challenge their daily life, who is?” Fantastic point. Very inspirational post!

  5. Jazmin Williams Reply

    This sounds fantastic! The trail looks fabulous and it’s a wonderful idea, best of luck x

  6. Mental Parental Reply

    Best of luck with your challenge! Hope all the training goes well and you enjoy yourself. I’d love to do the Hadrian’s Wall trail eventually x

  7. mummyandthechunks Reply

    Wow good luck! I would love to do something like this in a few years time when the kids are old enough to be left with people. It’s not easy to get a sitter for three. I think it is great to do things to make your children proud. My Dad has always done things like this, mountain climbs, head shaves and even doing up local schools and nurseries and I am so proud of him x

  8. Leah Shafik Reply

    This post was so inspirational – I love how you have thought of something that the family can do together that helps people. Good luck 🙂

  9. Rebecca Reply

    Good luck – it sounds a brilliant adventure. Pal’s of mine have walked this route and had great fun. Hope you raise lots of money too. Ta ra bec

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