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How to Create an Amazing Homegrown Office

Congratulations! You’ve worked your way out of your home office, grown your business enough to employ a team of hardworking people and battled your way through commercial property solicitors and bought an actual office. Hoorah! Now, it’s all about making your workplace an inspiring place to be! You might find that you only need to mix up a few things here and there to suit you and your employees, so here are some quick tips for creating an inspiring and productive workspace. Buy good furniture Of course, break spots with comfortable seating is important – we all need to get away from the computer screen from time to time, but it is necessary to invest in good-quality chairs so that you and your staff are comfortable while you work. It might also be a good idea to create breakaway areas where groups can discuss projects, campaigns and ideas around communal tables. Remember that stand-up desks are proving to be increasingly popular, so talk to your employees to see if this is something they would be interested in! Let there be light Good lighting is essential in an office, and if you don’t have the luxury of an abundance of natural light flooding your work floor, then you will need to make sure there is plenty available. You can buy lights which resemble natural light, which will help in keeping the winter blues at bay, as well as depression, and lamps can add a touch of funk to a workplace if they are quirky and brightly coloured. Be selective with artwork You’ll want to make a good impression when people come to your office, but having bright and stand-out artwork splashed all over the walls might be more of a distraction to your workers thank you would like. Keep your walls bright and plain, and save the artwork for meeting rooms. These rooms are where you are most likely to have video calls and meetings with potential clients, so it bodes well to have attractive things on the walls. Green is good for you Green space is good for you, and if the view from your new office looks over a park or some trees than great, if not, then it is a great idea to bring some plants in. You can create a living wall which will look and smell beautiful all year-round, or simply invest in some houseplants to dot all around the office. If you have an outside space, don’t be scared to fill it up with greenery! A space which is filled with plants can keep spirits high and also helps purify the air! Healthy employees mean happy employees! Consider noise Speak to your employees about their preferences for noise when they are working. You may find that there are some strong and stark differences between people, and just one option isn’t going to cut it. Some people love to plug into their own music and get down to work, whereas others need the sound of the office and the radio to be productive. Whatever works is important, but be sure to consult with people before you invest in surround sound to blare out Kisstory on a Friday afternoon!]]>

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