There is nothing like an adventure to get the blood pumping and rediscover your lust for life. Combine this with breathtaking views, cultural immersion and the chance to learn a new trade and you have the recipe for a life changing holiday.
There are thousands of global holiday packages that prove there is no substitute for hands on adventure and fun when it comes to upskilling.
Image thanks to Awaken Holidays
Do you want to master a new language whilst living as part of the community through a Spanish immersion course? Maybe take your sport to another level and become an instructor with Canadian ski instructor courses? Or follow in the footsteps of the masters with an inspiring painting holiday and improve your art for a more creative future. Whatever your passion is, use these helpful hints to help find the perfect holiday training course for you.
- What is your current level? Whether you want to learn a new skill entirely or take your skills to the next level and become qualified – assessing what level you are at will ensure you will get the most out of any course that you decide to do. Do your research, read case studies of people who have completed the course and understand the teaching aims and learning outcomes before you make a commitment. What the course delivers needs to meet your expectations both in terms of content and the qualification, if there is one, at the end of it.
- How much time do you have? Taking time out to learn something new can be expensive particularly when some immersion courses can run for months instead of weeks. Be realistic and know from the outset how much time you can dedicate to this and over what period. There are lots of training options out there that allow you to fit the hours into a pattern that suits you.
- What is your budget? Another consideration is how much money you have to invest in your personal development. Training holidays are not your typical holiday and professional qualifications are normally more expensive than learning something specifically for pleasure. Shop around so that you understand what you are getting for your money but remember this is your future you are investing in so don’t necessarily plump for the cheapest solution if it doesn’t deliver the training you want and need.
- Where do you want to go? OK so this is about improving yourself but who says you can’t tick something off your bucket list whilst you do it? Sometimes the location is as important as the course for instance where better to study yoga than in its birthplace, India. If you approach this with the mindset that this is a holiday as much as an education you can’t help but enjoy yourself and after all shouldn’t learning be fun
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