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Eating your way to a Healthy Business with @InstantPrint

Giving your networking contacts a business card and chocolates is now the unhealthy way to win business in a fitness focused society. Capitalising on the fitness buzz, Instantprint have listened to what their customers have asked for an you’ve now got a business card to make an impact on their weight as well as their company. I’m not going to lie I had to google these ingredients as they are made from ground Chia Seeds, Peruvian Quinoa and Soy Beans. These will give your pitch a powerful punch of goodness and energy to your networking. These superfood ingredients are set to make a thick business card which is noticeably nutritious. One card provides your daily dose of Fibre, Magnesium and Omega-3 so you can be fuller for longer and make the business connections you build, last! “Chia” is actually the ancient Mayan word for “strength” and believe us, your networking game will never be stronger than with our Health Cracker Business Cards. Top Tip: Dip them in your avocado & goji berry dip for a mid-networking event snack to keep your energy (and conversation) flowing. So if you’re looking to win business while gaining energy and losing pounds, think cracker! https://www.instantprint.co.uk/business-cards/health-cracker It amazing what people will believe! hahaha April Fools!]]>

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