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8 Step Guide to Landing a Dream Job in Recruitment

Taking the plunge Ever dreamed of waving goodbye to the monotony of a dull Monday morning in a job that you hate? Of course, you have! The modern man dreams of ways in which he can be financially independent, but it is possible to do this in a career you love. You just need to have the right tools. This simple, eight-step guide will help you along your path to the career you always dreamed of.

Step 1- Know Yourself Write a “Love/ Hate” list. Sounds simple, but this is the most important step.  Do you like clerical work or do you enjoy the outdoors? Love animals but hate people? Are you a night owl or early bird? Perhaps you dream of climbing the business ladder, or pursuing your artistic/theatrical interests?

Step 2- Collate your data Write a list of industries that would suit you, based on your likes and dislikes. If you love working with people and prefer nights to mornings, a job in hospitality could be a great match (it is unlikely that you would enjoy a career in which you work alone, such as an early-morning delivery driver!).

Step 3- Apply your date Broaden your ideas of what jobs you may enjoy through a comprehensive, filtered search. The internet is brilliant for this! Websites such as https://www.focusmanagementconsultants.co.uk/ help you tailor your search to suit your specific to requirements, and you will be surprised at how many exciting new job opportunities are presented to you!

Step 4- Land that interview! It is crucial that your CV is up to date and looking professional. Ensure all qualifications and work experience are accurate. Check for grammar and spelling errors. A sophisticated and informative curriculum vitae offers you more chance of being called for interview. You can access to a range of free CV templates online, with websites such as Job Nexus CV Template offering quick, simple and effective CV writing tips.

Step 5 – Prepare for interview! So your CV was a hit? Great! Now comes the work. Take your time to research the company you have applied for, their values, and why exactly you want to work for them (you are likely to be asked this at interview too!). Consider how your skills could be of value to the company (again, something to discuss in the interview).

Step 6- Make that first impression count Always arrive early for your interview, at least by 15 minutes. Wear smart, professional attire. A well dressed man not only looks great but also gives the impression that he takes pride in himself and his actions. And don’t forget to shower (but you knew that, right?)!

Step 7- Be confident in your interview You have done the hardest part and made it this far. The employer is clearly interested in you (and why wouldn’t they be?!). Speak loudly and clearly, and don’t slouch. Be clear with how your skills could benefit the company, but DO NOT be overly-confident. Arrogance is very rarely good quality.

Step 8- Always ask questions Employers will always end the interview by asking if you have any questions. Take this opportunity! Not only does demonstrate an appetite for your job, but you can also find out more about the company too. Ideally, prepare your questions beforehand. Congratulations! You now possess all of the tools to ditch the day job and begin forging your dream career.]]>

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