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My Birthday, Breakfast, Lego, Burgers and Family – Part 1

If you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or in real life you’ll probably have seen it was my birthday yesterday! Yes that’s 14th of April mark it down. Not only did I get to spend 4 whole days with the lovely family with it also being Easter! WIN! So what better things to do on my birthday than go to Lego Discovery Centre in Manchester, Burgers and a Beer with my fellow dads and families and then an evening at home with the loved ones. So starting the day, I was welcomed into the day with an awesome wake up call by the girls with Sausage Sandwhich, Strawberrys, Coffee and Reece’s Cups. Yum! Essential sugar to start the day. After a harder than normal push to get out of bed what with all the amazing messages and well wishes we head over to Trafford Centre for LEGO DISCOVERY!!! <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/HclDAW866WA” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> Bethany and I went to Lego when she was only 8/9 and we joked as we went through about the things we remember from all those years ago. One thing that we didn’t have the pleasure of was the 4d cinema! Amazing. Sitting there with spray, smoke, farts and more keeping us entertained with amazing 3D visuals. Seeing Dorothy towering above the villages and models of Manchester made me think of Dotzilla! That would be an amazing film. [vrview img=”http://www.CorporateDad.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/tempImageDataFile.jpg” ] It’s always amazing to spend time with Mrs P but to also have Beth and Dottie both on form is amazing! Really made my trip even better. The not only that, but they all teamed up and made a Lego version of ME! Hahahaha There’s no grey hair and I definitely wouldn’t wear blue trousers with a black jacket 🙂 A great start to the birthday shenanigans and it was a perfect way for us to build up a hunger for the burgers and friends that were waiting for us on route.]]>

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