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Win a Warmies Snuggable Plush Competition

Being part of a large network of Dads I hear about lots of various problems and there’s always the same common themes appearing.

It so happens that we cracked on of these very early on and that’s settling Dorothy down to sleep. Now we’re no experts when it comes to getting her to sleep through as she’s only just done this but the art of settling her then ensuring she stays in her bed is simple. Imagine you fell asleep, nice and warm, with sounds and the touch of mum or dad then was transferred into a cold, empty cot, it’s be unnerving. Especially if you woke up. So when transferring Dorothy across, we’d always warm the bed up with a water bottle so the bed was body temperature, ensure there was a cuddle pillow at the side and turn the radio on slightly. Classical was my choice. Thankfully, the guys over at Intelex sent us a gorgeous Warmies lamb called Baaabara. With a simple 90seconds in the Microwave you end up with a scented heated plus toy that feels so soft and lovely. Beth wouldn’t put her down let alone Dorothy. So Baabara has replaced our hot water bottle and cuddle pillow routine and it’s been working a treat. Dorothy has slept through to 6am without any feeds or disturbances. Amazing! So thank you to Intelex but the thanks doesn’t stop there! They’ve offered two gorgeous plush warmies to give away completely Free! Both are running as separate competitions with completely independent random winners picked by Rafflecopter. So potentially you could win both if you’ve entered both! I wish you all the luck, the winner will be picked 12pm next Sunday, so good luck and if you’d like to find out more, have a look at the gorgeous warmies here: https://www.intelex.co.uk/

How to win a Warmies Plush Fox:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

How to win a Warmies Plush Elephant: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!]]>


  1. Tracey Peach Reply

    If I won the fox I would call him Foxy Woxy & if I won the Elephant I would call her Elly Nelly 🙂 x

  2. Elizabeth Hinds Reply

    I would let my daughter name them – it would probably be something really original and creative like Foxy or Ellie! 🙂

  3. Liam Bishop Reply

    I’ll let my son choose, he’s probably call the Fox Mr Fantastic and the elephant something like Tarzan!

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