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Coast to Coast Charity Challenge – 24 Hours Away

In 24 hours, myself and 5 fellow amateurs will be making our way up to Newcastle for the first leg of our 90 mile plus charity coast to coast walk, camp and cook.

This is going to be life changing.
We’re doing this in a bid to raise as much money as possible for charities close to our hearts. The charities that care for the terminally ill, provide respite and palliative care or those that support children with life changing disabilities or behavioural challenges. These charities change lives and what’s a week of pain, endurance and hell compared to some of the situations and challenges others face on a daily basis. If we can raise enough money to make one person’s life that little bit easier, we’ve done our job.
I’m walking for Mencap and Scope as my twin brother has cerebral palsy and it’s my way of giving something back to those that made his life better when we were children. So this is my way of saying thank you from Reece.
There’s going to be personal achievements made over the following 7 days from physical and mental challenges as well as logistical. I’ve planned, prepared and arranged as much as possible but when you’re in the middle of no where, with no phone reception, no where to grab supplies or call for help it’s a little bit daunting. Add into the mix a cold blast coming down from the Artic and it makes life that little bit more difficult. We’ve put in the hard work over the past 6 months, I think I’m personally close to the 600miles training mark, brought the entire stock of Go Outdoors and in the process transformed my lifestyle.
But the next week isn’t about me, it’s about us as a team using all the support and thinking about our charities to get us across the line. Barry, Syd, Josh, Joe, Adam and I are taking on the hardest physical challenge to date and we’ll all need to work together to achieve our goal. Thanks for reading, a donation to one of the causes would be amazing https://www.justgiving.com/teams/CoasttoCoastCharityChallenge2017 and a like, share or comment to raise awareness would also be very appreciative. We’ll be streaming what we can from our Facebook group so come and follow our progress: https://www.facebook.com/amateurish-1122486511207622/  ]]>

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