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Sleep Goodie Bag worth over £100 with Kalms

One of the biggest challenges about becoming a parent is the constant lack of sleep. Did you know, One in three people suffer from poor sleep. As many as 21 million individuals and it’s often identified by feelings of tiredness, low energy and irritability. However, worryingly, it can also lead to impaired judgement, reduced memory, and even a reduction in life expectancy. As a 34 year old when I have a few beers I feel terrible the next day. Now imagine you’re consuming the kind of beer you do when you’re in the 20s and you’re then in a whole world of pain the next day. That’s exactly what it feels like when you’re a new parent spending weeks on end without a decent nights sleep! Fast forward a year and now it’s the complete opposite, it’s almost impossible to get to sleep! There’s always things to do, a new job that’s keeping me busy, a wife that has PND and a million other things to prepare for life, my charity walk and all the while having a 14 year old daughter who is going into her GCSEs. So now I’m having trouble getting to sleep and when I was asked if I’d like to run a competition on behalf of Kalms Night I couldn’t say no could I! Having used the alarm clock for 2 weeks it’s amazing waking up to what feels like sunlight at any time. I’m not sure how it does it but I feel more relaxed in the morning and eager to get up. This in turn gives me more energy through the day. So what’s in the lucky sleep goodie bag:

  • Lumie Night Light #Check
  • Whittards Hot Chocolate #Check
  • Baylis and Harding Lavender Bubble Bath #Check
  • For making sure those thoughts before bed time aren’t forgotten, a Moleskin Notepad #Check
My teenager is 14 and she’s going through her GCSE choosing and getting ready for next year. I can imagine the stresses on her at the moment are huge and this will be a perfect little gift for someone going through a lot. I remember all those years ago and it’s a stressful time and that’s before we even had social media which is a like being in the spotlight all day every day.

So here’s your chance to win a Sleep Goodie Bag and hopefully you can share it with someone who is also in need of a good night’s sleep.

 There’s a number of ways in which you can win see below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway Kalms Night and Kalms Night On-A-Night are traditional herbal medicinal products used for the temporary relief of sleep disturbances, exclusively based on long standing use as a traditional herbal remedy – Contains Valerian Root. Always read the leaflet. To offer assurance that Kalms Night meets the Traditional Herbal Registration (THR) requirements, the Certification Mark can be found on the product packaging.
Kalms Night tablets are available to purchase online at www.kalmsrange.com and supermarkets and pharmacies nationwide.
Kalms Night RRP: £4.89 for 50 tablets, Kalms One
Night RRP £5.19 for 21 tablets.   A winner will be picked at random using Rafflecopter after the competition closes at 12am on 7th May. The winner will have 7 days to claim the prize and if they haven’t another winner will be drawn. For more details email corporatedaduk@gmail.com.]]>


  1. Emmaline Bach Reply

    I will share this with my partner.. I’ll probably use the notebook because he’s not much of a writer and I constantly have lists of things I need to do.. would be perfect to start bullet journaling.

  2. *Kimberley*Jackson* Reply

    I would keep it for myself. I have Generalised Anxiety disorder and sleep is my enemy. I have to take two of my prescription pills to even fall to asleep. I have been looking at implementing a proper night time routine to try and make a good impact recently. This would be perfect to implement into my routine

  3. Alica Reply

    I would give it to my daughter who works full time and has trouble with her sleeping pattern 🙂

  4. Abigail Edkins Reply

    I would keep this as Im intrigued to find out if it really makes people feel any better in the morning…it could be a life changer for me

  5. Liam Bishop Reply

    For me I think, with 2 kids at 3 and 10 months I know how the lack of sleep thing is going!

  6. Tracy K Nixon Reply

    I shall keep it as I need all the help I can get to experience a good night’s sleep – as I suffer from insomnia!

  7. Lisa Williams Reply

    I would love to give this to my Boyfriend as he really struggles with his sleep and gets nowhere near enough 🙂

  8. Lizzie Morris Reply

    I would give to my nan as she is a worrier so she really struggles with her sleep, always on the look out for things to help her to get a good nights rest!

  9. Jen A Reply

    I’d let my Mum have the Lumie nightlight as I already have one – and I know she’d love it. I’ll keep the rest for myself and hope it helps! 🙂

  10. MM Reply

    As i struggle to stay asleep thoughout the night, I would be the primary user of this. Though i would be more than happy to share with the rest of the family. A good nights sleep makes everyone happier!

  11. Jacqui Graham Reply

    I would keep it, I get off to sleep ok, but awake several times during the night. love to try this bundle.

  12. marie miles Reply

    if i was lucky enough to be the winner of this fab prize i would keep it for myself, having been an insomniac for many years now and i try anything to ensure a good nights sleep for me and at 38 i need all the help in the beauty sleep department as possible as im not getting any younger. this is a fab prize and fingers crossed for me but good luck to everyone.

  13. Claire Blaney Reply

    Im going to keep it for myself i always have a problem sleeping so this bundle would be incredible.

  14. Mari Sutherland Reply

    I would give it to my son at University as he has sleep issues linked to depression.

  15. Iris Waldburger Reply

    I would keep this for myself. I don’t find it so difficult to get to sleep to tart with but often wake up later and struggle to get back to sleep

  16. Jo Carroll Reply

    I would share this with my niece who is doing her exams but I’d definately like to keep the Lumi long-term as dark Winter mornings are my downfall.

  17. Ann-Marie Gould Reply

    if i won this i would give it to my daughter, she suffers with anxiety and low mood and this really affects her sleep, i really think this would help her

  18. Jade Pawley Reply

    I’d share it with my Mum. We both suffer from insomnia so think we’d benefit from this goodie bag!

  19. Iowkati Reply

    There’s an item for everyone in my family in this goodie bag – hubby & I would love the light as we struggle to hit the ground running, one daughter would love the notebook & the other the bubble bath & all of us enjoy a hot choc at bedtime ☺️

  20. Ellen Sheppard Reply

    I’ll be giving this to my hubby if I won, he has awful sleep hygiene, he’s lucky to get 4 hours a night most nights 🙁

  21. Fiona Johnson Reply

    I would definitely keep this as I can’t remember the last time I had a full nights sleep..and like you I didnt used to have a problem x thankyou for the chance x

  22. Penny Reply

    Keep it for myself. I am Nanny to my little grand-daughter who lives with me so I’m always seeking ways to get a better nights sleep!

  23. rebecca Reply

    I work shifts so getting a decent routine with bedtime is a nightmare. I’d love to keep this and try the light especially. Great for when i have to get up at 3am!

  24. Emma Pattrick Reply

    I work shifts in a hospital. I have a quick turn around from nights to days and vice Verda. My sleep pattern is shot! Would definitely be keeping the prize for myself!

  25. Ali Johnson Reply

    Going to keep it. I have trouble sleeping so would love to give this a try to see if it can improve things.

  26. Sarah Elizabeth Dunne Reply

    I would give this to my bestfriend, she has been like a mother to me and her birthday is just around the corner! X

  27. Lisa B Reply

    Much as I would like to keep this for myself, I would give it to my friend who is having a rotten time at the moment and needs it more than I do.

  28. Sharon Reply

    if i was lucky enough to win then id keep it for myself because i need all the help i can get to have a better nights sleep.ive been struggling for years to get a good sleep,some days im so tired i find it really hard to function and it makes me cry over silly things,thanks for the chance to win a brilliant useful prize

  29. Eleanor Beavan Reply

    I would keep it for myself ! I’m currently going through the menopause so sleep is very hard to come by and when it does I still feel dreadful the next day, so anything that would help would be very much appreciated. Thank you for a great giveaway.

  30. Sandra D Lane Reply

    I’d be keeping these for myself If I was lucky enough to win. I don’t usually have trouble nodding off but am waking up several times during the night and then in the morning I feel so tired.

  31. Claire Nutman Reply

    I plan to write a wedding journal when i marry next month, this would be fab x thank you

  32. Kerry Taylor Reply

    For my sister, who is struggling after changing jobs from night shifts. But I’ll probably keep the notebook for myself 😀

  33. Kelly E Hirst Reply

    I’d keep this for myself to help get to sleep on the evenings when I have to set my alarm for 5am

  34. Sally Angel Reply

    I would give this to my sister because I think she deserves it juggling her final year of university with caring for her little boy! 🙂

  35. Gem Cook Reply

    I’m suffering from restless nights at the moment, so would keep this sleep goodie bag for myself.

  36. Jane Willis Reply

    I’ll be keeping it – I’m totally rubbish at sleeping and need all the help I can get

  37. haxell Reply

    I would keep this as my sleep pattern is dreadful. I’ve now reduced the blue light on my computer and that seems to be helping me to sleep sounder though no longer yet. I live in hope!
    Hazel Rea – @beachrambler

  38. Diane Carey Reply

    I will be keeping it for myself. I only seem to sleep half the night, partly because of health problems and also getting stressed helping my daughter cleaning/decorating/buying baby things before her baby is born. I feel exhausted at the moment

  39. louise Reply

    My husband would benefit from the lumie clock but the chocolate and bubble bath has my name on it lol

  40. Natalie Ellis Reply

    The bubble bath is mine, all mine <3 The chocolate, lumie clock and kalms will be given to others who need them 🙂

  41. marina parry owen Reply

    I would keep the Lumie Clock to myself, because I am so not a morning person. I need all the help I can get to wake me up in the morning but perhaps if I went to bed earlier then that might help as well. I’d also keep the bubble bath but I’d share the hot chocolate with the kids and my hubby. Keeping all my fingers crossed.

  42. Sandy Hill Reply

    I’d love to try the clock, I have real problems with the snooze button as I fight my body to wake up, maybe this would help!

  43. Mike Cambridge Reply

    I would keep this for myself. It would be great to have a full 8 hours sleep, and this prize would certainly help.
    Thanks for the chance!

  44. Louise Walsh Reply

    I hate not being able to sleep, have tried prescribed medicines which wasn’t for me, never thought of trying herbal remedies

  45. Clare Davies Reply

    i would keep for myself! i never sleep well away, im currently in the middle of college exams and assignments before starting uni in September so this might help to start a better bed time routine and sleep pattern 🙂 x

  46. Faye Reed Reply

    Keep it for myself as I’ve been after a lumie body clock for a while. Might share the hot chocolate and bubble bath with my kids though x

  47. Jo Wakefield Reply

    We have a newborn baby so we’d keep this as would come in handy when we can sleep again

  48. Edward Guerreiro Reply

    I would keep it for myself. I have always had issues sleeping, and I am willing to give this a serious try.

  49. Gillian Hutchison Reply

    I would keep it – 4 children, not enough hours in the day and when I do get to bed my mind goes into overdrive.

  50. Christina Curtis Reply

    I would keep it for myself as I have trouble sleeping. Kalms used to really help me with Anxiety so would love to give them a try.

  51. zebedee01 Reply

    I would keep this for myself because I never wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, and I quite often struggle to sleep properly, usually when my alarm is set for 6am for work!!

  52. Allison Lee Sherwood Reply

    I would definitely keep to myself as I do have sleep problems and this would be wonderful to help with that x

  53. Jenerate Reply

    I would share this with my goddaughter as she is having problems getting to sleep at the moment.

  54. sharon martin Reply

    i’d keep this for myself as i’m a terrible sleeper so can do with all the help i can get

  55. Di Sheppy Reply

    I suffer anxiety and these would be great for me to get me to sleep. So i would keep them for myself.

  56. Karen R Reply

    I’d keep some because I have the most trouble sleeping, but I would share with my 16yo who is going through her GCSEs this year – poor thing!

  57. Maria Knight Reply

    I would keep this for myself….my sleep pattern has not been right for about 6 months now.

  58. Donna Clinton Reply

    I would love to keep this for me as I work nights and really struggle sleeping so hopefully this would help!

  59. jellie Reply

    I would give it to my 17 year old daughter, she has always been a poor sleeper, worse as a teenager. She had a terrible time with poor sleep and tiredness through her GCSEs, would like to make it easier on her for her A levels.

  60. Marty Huntbach Reply

    I’d share with my wife as we both suffer from insomnia, so we are willing to try anything that will help (especially if it’s a herbal remedy).

  61. Fred_Baron Reply

    I’d give it to my parents. The winter nights can be long and hard, so keeping the circadian rhythms in check is a must, to prevent excessive fatigue!

  62. cwillmer Reply

    I would share it between myself and my mum as we both have trouble sleeping but for different reasons so would be great to try out what works for each of us.

  63. Catherine Gregory Reply

    I’d keep it for myself because I am pregnant with my first baby and utterly exhausted and not sleeping well x

  64. Jenna Kate Parrington Reply

    I’d keep it for myself as I really struggle with sleep and waking gently in the morning.

  65. Gaynorfay Spanswick Reply

    Hubbys been having problems sleeping so that means I don’t get much sleep either so we would both love to try this ,it’s a lovely helpfull giveaway thank you.

  66. kim neville Reply

    Would keep for myself as I have been having problems getting to sleep and waking up a few times

  67. sarah stocks Reply

    A bit of both to be honest. I have two young children so struggle to sleep but would like to pamper my mother in law too

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