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Making Money Whilst Having Fun!

You can’t imagine your life without your hobbies, whether it’s swimming in the afternoons or golf with the lads on weekends, or even just sitting down to read for a good half hour or so every day. Either way, you need to have a little fun in your hectic life, even when it’s one you love more than anything else in the world!   And because you love them so much, you always want to look out for them. We all know one of the main ways to do that is to have some financial stability in your life, but did you realise the power your leisure activities can have over your money making ability? Let’s examine that neat idea below.   Sometimes the piggybacking idea makes the most sense! (Unsplash)   Go Thrifting   If you’re someone who loves a bargain, or you love the idea of locating vintage pieces of furniture, clothing, or even cars, this might just be a great option for you. Even if you love going around antique stores, picking up pieces you know your parents owned and you’d love to keep around for nostalgia purposes, you could make a very pretty penny whilst you’re at it.   After all, once you’re done with this process, and you’ve brought home a good haul you know your partner will love to see cluttering up the hallway, you can head onto Ebay and sell them off again. Let people bid throughout the auction, set a reserve that makes sure you at least break even on the price you paid for the item, and then make an easy profit! Just make sure you’ve got your thrifting skills down, and that you’re aware of the scams that exist out there.   Try Out Some Betting   Betting is something you love to get together with your mates to do, heading down to the betting shop and watching the score come out live. And hopefully, you’ll walk away with a tidy profit when the race or match is over – or you’ll come out empty handed, and your bank account much worse than when you went in.   However, if you get the hang of betting on a serious basis, your losses will be minimal, and you’ll potentially be bringing home an extra £1000 or so every month. That’s where the idea of matched betting comes in – you lay a bet as well as putting one on, and thus you make an extra £20 or £30 every time the result comes through.   But making something as serious as another thousand pounds is of course a lofty ambition if you’ve only got an hour or so every few days to commit, but the longer you stick at it, the better your bank account will look. So take advantage of all the sign up offers there are out there, but be careful gubbing doesn’t take place.   Making money doesn’t have to take too much enjoyment away from your activities, and this wasn’t a comprehensive list by any means! Have fun with money. ]]>

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