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BenQ WiT – The Ultimate Smart E-Reading Desk Lamp Review

Working the amount of hours I do as a national recruitment manager, parent and husband I literally fit blogging in when and where I can. This is great for me but not great for my body, brain and mind. A lack of sleep in general coupled with late night writing sessions leave me tired and mentally drained.Having astigmatism, I really should wear my glasses more however I hate wearing them and I can’t get contacts so 9 times out of 10 I’m left mentally strained and my eyes are redder than the Japanese flag. I’m then struggling to sleep as I’ve been staring at a screen for hours on end and my brain is going into overdrive. I’m sure this is a problem shared with a vast number of bloggers, writers, graphic designers or those addicted to social media or watching Netflix on a small screen. We all know that screen time is bad for us but what can we do about it and what should we be using for help? All major phone companies have upgraded their phones to restrict blue light as our bodies don’t release the needed amount of melatonin, but release cortisol the stress hormone when you use them at night, which keeps us awake. Neurologists who conducted studies on people who were exposed to blue-heavy lights before bedtime found that those people took far longer to fall asleep than those who were exposed to warmer light or light more evenly distributed across the color spectrum.So what can we do to improve our work space when working at night.


I’ve got this beautiful bureau on the top of my landing and have been using a bulb based desk lamp and the landing light. Both very bright and spotlight based so I get a nice reflection on the screen so inevitably end up turning them off. My desk lamp was LED so it was super blue light with just an on and off switch.That was until now! The BenQ e-Reading LED Desk Lamp has been designed for people like me. Bloggers, designers and writers need not strain their eyes anymore and I for one am in complete agreement with that. Studies reveal that you want your monitor’s brightness to match your surrounding workspace brightness. This is really difficult to achieve when you’re using traditional lights but with the LED head being over 150% larger than their previous model, in a curved shape, you get a really radiant glow. The expansive area is at a full range of 90cm which can backlight even the biggest of monitors.The magic doesn’t stop there. The BenQ WiIT e-reading lamp works like the technology in our smartphones. You can adjust the brightness of the lamp with the nob on the top and with a little press, then adjust the blue light coming through. The icing on the cake is their smart mode which will handle everything for you by using the built-in sensor to automatically detect the ambient lighting. It’ll then deliver the best light for your screen reading. I’ve found that it’s also flicker free which if you take images and video like me, will ensure you don’t have to worry about lines in the videos coming through.To sum up the e-reading lamp, it’s the last lamp I’ve ever going to have to use. I literally couldn’t think of anything else that this should have. It’s got three way movable arms, easy to setup with just one screw and it even is touch sensitive to start and stop. Why would I need anything else. Oh did I also say it comes in various colours. Silver looks great for me with my iMac though.If you’d like to find out more, have a look at the video or check them out on Amazon. It’s not the cheapest lamp out there but it’s a true investment. One which your eyes will thank you for. BenQ are offering an amazing 10% off at checkout. Just use the code BENQ10EF and enjoy. Turn your dark desk into a powerful workstation. Thanks to BenQ for supplying the review model. All thoughts and comments are my own.]]>

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