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Guidelines to Brand Building

One of the first things you ever need to worry about with a new business is how to ensure you develop a brand which will stand out and make the business memorable. This can contain real difficulties, but many entrepreneurs also find that it is one of the most exciting and enjoyable parts of the early process as well. If you have never looked into this before, then you might be in for a surprise as to just how much is involved in the process. Nonetheless, with the right attitude and some perseverance, you should be able to give your business exactly the kind of brand it truly deserves. Let’s take a look at the whole creative process of brand development.

Customer First

Something that will help enormously with your brand development procedure is if you work from the understanding that it is all about the customer. People have a tendency to get too caught up with the needs of the business at this stage, when what you really need is the exact opposite. While this might seem a little counter-intuitive, it actually makes perfect sense. After all, your brand is what will hopefully attract in large quantities of customers in one fell swoop, and you can only achieve that aim by understanding who those customers are as well as possible. Therefore, the first stage ofthe brand development process is a heady dose of customer and market research. What kind of information is especially useful for you to bear in mind as you develop a brand? Generally, it is enough to know the essential demographics of your target audience, so you can be sure of what will land and what will go over their heads. But if you want to go a little further, you might look into some of their lesser-known traits, and see if you can surprise them in quite another way. Brands that do this often end up being those that really come out on top the quickest, so it might be worth your while carrying out as much research as you can. With a strongly customer-led branding process, you are bound to see much greater success than if you don’t think about the customer at all, but only how the business should appear.

The Influence Of Others Brands

If you want your brand to be successful, it is a good idea to look to others to see where they go right and wrong. It is clearly very valuable to look into the workings of the most successful and popular brands in the world, as this will give you a hint as to what you should be aiming for with your own. What, for example, makes the Coca-Cola brand so successful? For a start, it is immediately obvious and recognisable, it is simple and clear, and it makes a striking look upon the eyes. But is that all? To really succeed in branding, you need to delve beneath the surface a little, think about the subjective and subliminal level of meaning, see what you yourself can add to this fascinating creative landscape. There is value too in seeing the less successful brands of other businesses, as you can easily learn from their mistakes. But in all this, remember not to copycat or distinctly shy away from other brands’ images. You want your own direct and unique style, but one which is still in line with a cultural trend to some degree. In this way, you can hope to make the biggest impact in the easiest way. Once you have done your research, you should be ready to hit the drawing boards. But what kind of elements should be at the forefront of your mind?

The Major Elements

There are certain aspects which you will need to think of first and foremost in order to ensure your branding gets out there in the right light. For example, one of the very first things will be the name of your company. You have probably already come up with this, but it’s worth remembering that it is essential if you want to proceed with your branding at all. From the name you can then develop a tagline or slogan, although this is not always necessary, and you can begin to work on a logo design, something which is going to have particularly large impact and forms a central part of your branding.   You will also need to think at this stage about the colours involved in your branding, as this helps to retain consistency and artistic value. When doing so, it is worth looking into the basics of colour psychology, as different colours can affect how people feel about your brand in surprisingly diverse and powerful ways. With a good focus on colour, you can ensure that your brand is much more likely to have exactly the effect that you need it to have. Of course, there is also just the basic factor of what you think looks good in a normal aesthetic sense, which will also prove to be extremely important.


One of the most important things of all is that your brand is consistent. When it comes to the actual manifestation of your designs, you need to make sure that your business sticks to the plan all the way. If you don’t, then essentially your branding is not doing anything at all. It is not enough just to design the brand, you also need to make sure it is being put out there in a consistent manner. For this, style guides sent around the office can help, as well as meetings about any changes which might be coming in. get this right, and you should find that your business’ brand is as successful as you need it to be. The above is a great start to ensuring that your brand gets off to the right start. As long as you then continue to look after it, you will find that it does for you everything you need it to.]]>

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