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Experience is Valuable in Business

Don’t you remember when you first entered business and you were ever the young and naive entrepreneur? As someone with experience, you look back and wish you had someone to guide you or at least inform you of the pitfalls and potential leaps into success. But sitting back and watching the new generation come in and begin to take on the challenges you faced, no matter how advanced the world has become, is cheap entertainment. Rather than doing this, you should be marketing and selling your experience to this new generation. The wealth of knowledge you have curated, whether through the hard way of failure, or the easy way of planted success, should be shared with those who want to see their dream come true. There are ways you can do this and make it a business in itself. Advising the young   Entrepreneurs are by their very nature, bold and adventurous, not to mention brave. It’s not easy feat going out on a limb to chase your dream with little to no backing from anybody. There is an entire section of the entrepreneur community that are now seeking to hire advisors and special contacts to whom they can turn to and confide in. Taking on the role as their mentor in business is something that is not only fulfilling as you’re watering a flower that will one day sprout, but you’re also reaffirming your years in business. Whether you’re working as a freelance advisor, or you have the good fortune of being hired full time, a mentor is outside the business essentially. You’re not liable for any losses, but do take some credit for the gains, it’s a win-win situation.   [caption id="attachment_15886" align="aligncenter" width="850"] Interface Ux Mobile Design Webdesign App Business[/caption] Creating software for business   One of the vital forms of communication is the online world, which has filtered through into smartphones. Creating business apps with modern requirements in mind, keeping up with the new ways of doing business, providing software to help organize, communicate and track the internals of companies is a lucrative industry. If you want to get involved in this kind of sector and make apps for businesses around the world, you have the best franchise opportunities at your fingertips. Youngsters and entrepreneurs who have just set up their business, but cannot afford the niche and specific software made for large corporations, use apps as their main toolset. Making apps that you would have found useful and even tailoring them to new emerging industries and economies, could be your new career path.   Online blog or publication   Experience is something that you cannot buy, or is it? Starting an online blog or publication with the sole intention of writing about your years in business, what you have learned and the various niche subject matters throughout your professional career is a great venture. By attracting young and fresh minds who want to learn from your mistakes and also gain an inside knowledge of what they should expect when going into business, and different industries, you can make an online business. With success, you can host advertisements, from a personal mentoring class that can be done online via video link, and perhaps one day building up a large paid subscription base. Don’t let your golden years be just for you. Experience in business is crucial because those who have seen and done what others haven’t, will always be prized above them. You can and should be looking to use your experience as a commodity, and begin to generate profits based on selling your knowledge.  ]]>

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