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Thanks to the BlogOn Community Fund

When I joined the blogging community in 2017 I never expected to meet so many amazing and helpful people. I was overwhelmed with the support and advice given to help and in turn felt that it was only fair to reciprocate. Pre-blogging, I remember picking the Marvellous Mrs P up from a number of events and the one that stood out for me was BlogOn at Manchester’s Museum of Science and Industry. She’d always come out beaming, a little bit squiffy and with lots of great stories to pass on from the day. Fast forward to my trip to Paris and little would I know that Laura Seaton, the founder of BlogON, would also be on the trip and between her and a few other amazing people would actually make the whole excursion worthwhile. 2017 was a number of firsts for me in relation to BlogON, I visited as a blogger, supported others in the community and I was also asked to be part of the panel for the BlogOn Community Fund. What an honour to be trusted to be part of something that does great things for others in their time of need. Laura’s daughter Elizabeth was diagnosed with Leukaemia at just 4 years old she was helped endlessly by charities big and small throughout her treatment. When the dust settled and Elizabeth was on the road to recovery, she set out to pay back as much as she could to those who helped her, giving back £1000’s raised by conference goers to those established charities. The fund continues thanks to the charitable donations, raffles and tombolas that are held at the BlogOn events thanks to the generosity of those attending and brands that donate prizes.

Little did I know, my family and I would be on the receiving end of some heartfelt support.
We’ve had some appalling luck at the end of 2017 with a kitchen fire that effectively ruined our house thanks to the smoke and our kitchen had to be ripped out back to bricks. Then one day I get a notification on Facebook from the panel. One of our lovely friends had nominated my wife to the community panel for some assistance.
What a thing to do when we needed it the most.
The rebuilding process began and the support that we received was the difference between a cheap fix or plaster-boarding/levelling all the walls in the kitchen. It wasn’t just the monetary value, the mental support it gave us was the difference between cracking under all the pressure and being able to get through two months without having a kitchen.

So thank you Laura, BlogON attendees and community. That £100 means so much to us and in a community of amazing bloggers, I hope that no one else needs support and if they do, there know where to go.




  1. TheBrickCastle Reply

    Nice work you two. It is something we all fear and so everyone was gutted for you – the new kitchen will be a huge boost, it’s been lovely seeing how everyone has rallied for you 🙂

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