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Treat your Millennial to a Bootcamp with the NCS this Summer

If you were born in the 1990s to early 2000s you’ll be shoehorned into the word millennial or Generation Z. A generation of children soon to be adults that have grown up in the technological age where information is at their fingertips, there’s an app for everything and if you want to meet up with friends all you need to decide on is which filter are you going to use.

We’ve got one and it can be really tough sometimes but also so beautiful.
Having a child that has a thirst for knowledge and can readily get that information from anywhere is something else. It allows them to broaden their horizon, develop a complex understanding of some of the most intricate problems and build up a fair and balanced viewpoint. When they aren’t distracted. You see there are too many distractions inside their electronics to go out in the wider wide and a prime example of that are the YouTubers taking the world by storm showing off basic bushcraft skills.
“Stop watching and start doing it for yourself!”
Look back at your childhood and compare your summer holidays for example. We never went abroad and holidays were spent in a pokey caravan that I couldn’t wait to get away from. This meant communicating with others, making friends, taking part in group sports and most of all, getting out of my comfort zone. Don’t get me wrong we love going on trips with Bethany but we’d also like her to create adventure and memories that will last for a life time. Working with people on a daily basis in my full-time job, comfort zone is one of those things that make or break a career. The difference between excelling in the job you want rather than festering in the job you do. Not only did it have some amazing stats around reducing anxiety and boosting resilience but by bringing together young people from different backgrounds for a unique shared experience, NCS helps them to become better. When I saw what the NCS stood for it resonated with me and I instantly thought about registering Beth to go instantly.
“Are you 15 to 17 years-old? NCS is a 3-4 week experience that helps build your confidence and self-belief so that you can take on anything in life. Live away from home, develop skills and meet amazing people. Food, accommodation and activities, all in for up to £50. When was the last time you felt unstoppable? “

If that isn’t a tagline for getting out of your comfort zone I don’t know what is.

Finding out a little bit more about the company that’s going to take our teenager away is really important. She’s precious to us and we don’t just want her to go with anyone. The NCS split their information up into different phases.

Phase 1 – Adventure

Living and sharing weeks of adventure with your team who are all in the same situation.

Phase 2 – Discovery

The chance to discover something about yourself, the environment, society or from others.

Phase 3 – Social Action

A social fundraising opportunity to put all of the adventure and discovery learnings into practice.


Recognition is a powerful tool to reinforce learnings and from what I can see, all of the NCSers get this in bucket loads when they’ve completed their course. This really sounds amazing and if I didn’t have to worry about working to pay the bills I would have loved to volunteer in their campaigns. Fortunately for the teenagers, this isn’t such a worry and if anything, the government also fund the NCS with £1000 per child/teenager. £50 is all you’ll need to pay. Obviously not having taken part before I’m a little conscious about timings etc over the summer holidays and of course locations but having looked through the site it appears that they cater for everyone and are really flexible. I’ve registered and found out that there are still places available for Year 11s to take part in this once in a lifetime opportunity this summer. If you’re interested in more information or to sign up, go to the NCS website or click here: http://www.ncsyes.co.uk/?utm_source=blogger&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=summer18 I  ]]>

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