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What Do You Do When Your Finances Are Effecting Your Life

As a now business owner with no job and a small wage, I’m in a win or lose position!

With costs rising and the impending disaster that is Brexit, if you’re either way inclined, finances and family finance is going to be key to this year. I’ve been looking at ways in which we can alleviate the burden slightly and support our family through tough times:
Grow fruit and vegetables
More people than ever are growing their own fruit and vegetables in their garden. After all, it ensures there are no pesticides, and they are a lot healthier for your family. Therefore, if there is space in your garden, you should consider growing your own fruit and vegetables. For one thing, your family can start eating healthier and save money on your grocery bill. And also, you could also start selling them and making some extra cash. To start with, it might just be to friends and family for some extra cash. But if it goes well, you could even consider getting a stall where you sell them outside of work hours! 
Go freelance in your particular field
I’m not talking about the local park, pick what you do well and do it as a contractor or self-employed. I’ve done a couple of jobs for People For Hour and they’ve been great. You might be surprised to find out that one in two workers in the UK will be freelancing by 2020! After all, it’s a convenient way to earn some cash in your spare time. Therefore, you should consider doing some freelancing if only for a few times a month. That extra cash will pay dividends. For example, if you are a specialist in HR, you might want to help out a company with their job hunting for a short period. Therefore, advertise your skills on sites such as Upwork and People Per Hour to find short-term jobs to build up your money.
Consolidate Your Finances
This is next on my radar. Really look at my income and expenditure and really consolidate my outgoings. Be it from my car, house or other bills including credit cards and phones. It’s amazing how so many little things add up to a whole lot! If it’s really that bad you could look at a Loan and there are some good online only partners out there like iLoans. There are also other arrangements with the likes of Stepchange who offer a free Debt Management Plan service.
Whatever you choose to do, bear in mind the time it will take you away from your family. Work is work and for those extra pennies, you could be losing valuable family time that you can never get back.]]>

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