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5 ways to motivate your employees

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Employee motivation is key to a successful business. If your employees aren’t motivated, they won’t put as much effort into their work and they likely won’t stick around for long. The best way to spur on employees is to make them feel appreciated. Here are just five ways in which you can show appreciation and motivate your staff.

Make your workplace a happy environment

The perfect workplace needs to be clean, comfortable and organised. Everything from the colour scheme to the quality of the furniture can make a difference. If you don’t have an eye for workplace design, you may be able to hire a company that specialises in office interiors to refurbish your workplace. The act of refurbishing itself is likely to spur on employees by helping to shake up routine and bring a sense of business growth. All in all, try to accommodate your employees needs and make room for some luxuries (such as a premium coffee machine or luxury office chairs).

The perfect workplace needs to be clean, comfortable and organised. Keeping the workplace clean and tidy can not only reduce the risk of illness but also boost the productivity of your employees. You can do this by hiring a professional cleaning service such as Ideal Cleaning, who offer industrial and commercial cleaning throughout England and Wales so that anyone in the country who needs their service can be helped. Maintaining a clean and tidy space is guaranteed to help keep your workers happy.  

Offer continuous rewards

The traditional carrot-and-stick style of setting goals and rewards is no longer as effective. Employees instead want rewards that have a continuous impact as the result of simply being employed. This could include regularly receiving company shares of profits, getting discounts to local services or being given the opportunity to work flexibly from home. Larger companies may even be able to offer rewards such as private healthcare insurance and a company car for all employees, helping to truly boost their employees’ quality of life. Such rewards are so effective that employees will think twice about leaving.

Share positive feedback from customers

We all like to know that our work is having a positive impact. If customers personally share positive feedback with you or write a positive review, share this feedback with your team to show that their work is appreciated.

Praise employees in front of customers

Praising your employees is very important for showing that you appreciate their work. However, you can make an even more positive impact by praising them in front of employees. This shows your staff that you are proud of them and it shows your customers that you look after your employees, all in all helping to deliver positive energy to everyone.

Take time to listen to your employees

Listening to your employees can be one of the most simple and crucial ways to keep them motivated. Allowing your employees to offer input on how the company is run can make them feel valued. Meanwhile, listening to personal concerns can help your employees to relate to you and therefore improve communication. Employees shouldn’t be made to feel like tools and should be made to feel like human beings, and this can only be achieved by listening to your employees and caring about what they say. 

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