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Have you thought about Remote Working?

Working in an office, 9 to 5, might be the norm for a lot of people, but when you’re running your own business very often you find yourself outside the hours and not just behind your desk.

The same might well be true for your team, particularly in those early days when you’re getting set up and establishing yourself. So how can you make your working day and that of your team as productive and efficient as possible, particularly when you want to get the best from them for the sake of your business?

In this blog, we take a look at the benefits of remote working as an option for your business.

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Why Offer Remote Working

Just when you need your team to be working at their maximum capacity, it might seem counter intuitive to allow them to work outside the office. Yet there are plenty of studies out there that show allowing your team greater flexibility in their working life, leads to better performance and a happier, more loyal workforce. Why? Because handing over the control to your employers allows them to feel empowered and in charge of their own destinies. 

The early bird worker will appreciate the chance to start work earlier and finishing up earlier in the afternoon. While your team member with a family to get to school will benefit from being able to do the school run and might even save money if they can avoid breakfast and after school clubs.

If you have people on the road, then allowing them to set their own routines will generally allow for a more efficient and practical routine, something you will all benefit from. 

In practical terms, you may also benefit financially from either greatly reducing or getting rid of your rented office space altogether, allowing you to reinvest in your remote network or commercial vehicles from https://www.edencommercialsltd.co.uk

Things to Consider

A remote team isn’t for every company. When you have a lot of collaborative working needing to take place, you may need to keep your team all under one roof to make sure that things don’t get missed. 

Remote working doesn’t have to be an all or nothing option in any case. You may want to offer it out as an option for when teams don’t have to be physically present and then take the opportunity to reduce your overall desk space.

You will also need to consider how your network will work with a remote team and this might require a little bit of investment to make sure that your teams have access to all the internal documents and the intranet they need to carry out their jobs effectively.

You will also need to consider how your network will work with a remote team and this might require a little bit of investment to make sure that your teams have access to all the internal documents and the intranet they need to carry out their jobs effectively. 

You’ve also got to consider the overall effectiveness of the devices and how secure they need to be. If you are working with Apple devices you need Apple device management software to ensure that, not only are the devices secure, but your workers have access to all the information they need right away. Working from home is effective for so many people, just as long as you have the right tech in place.

Getting the best from your teams and allowing for greater flexibility is a big step. It will either work or it won’t but why not take a chance and inspire your workforce to take charge of their working day?

Loyalty, hard work and the chance to create a better work/life balance is all in your hands.

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