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Easy ways to bond with your children

Spending time together is important, but if you have a few children, it can be hard to spend time with them one-on-one. However, this solo time is important for each child, so they can build their own relationship with you, away from their siblings. Here are some easy ways to bond with each child. 

Try A Sport Together

Do you share a love of a particular sport? Is there a sport that you both like the idea of trying out? Find something that interests you both and try it out together. Perhaps you could take riding lessons together, go out on the golf course together, or spend time in the garden kicking a ball around. Trying something new together can be a fun bonding experience, and is a good opportunity to teach your child some important lessons, like good sportsmanships, discipline, and teamwork. 

See A Performance Or Sporting Event

You can go to a concert, watch a sporting event, or go to see a musical or a play. Do you have a shared passion you could see together? Perhaps if you’ve enjoyed watching movies of musicals, you could book tickets to see a staged version of your favourite. If you both like sports, book to see your local team (although if your children are young, it might be smart to search ‘How long does a rugby match take?’ so you know if they can sit through it). 

Go Out To Eat

This one is very easy to arrange, even with small children. Whether you pick them up school and stop off for a cake and a hot chocolate, or take them out for breakfast at the weekend, this is a great way to make your child feel special. This could also be a good way to get your child to try food’s from some new cuisines. 

Create A Story Together

Reading a story together is a lot of fun, but it’s also really fun to create a story together too. You can start off with the classic ‘Once upon a time’ and add some details about your child, with a fantasy twist, like ‘there was a little boy called Oliver who was a pirate’. Let them provide the next detail. You go back and forth together for a while as a fun twist on a bedtime story. 

Make A Craft

Making things together can be a lot of fun too. Buy some craft supplies and spend some time doing something a bit messy. Crafting is also a good way to encourage some creativity and imagination. You could make gifts for the grandparents, cards for the family at Christmas, or things to go in their bedroom. Depending on their age, you could try crafts like making collages or teaching them something like knitting. 

Play Together

Don’t be afraid to be silly and join in their play. Get on the floor with the Lego, have a pretend tea party, or whatever else they like to do. Play is fun for grown-ups too. 

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