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3 Pillars of every Business

Pexels – CC0 License

Building a business is not too dissimilar from building a house. When constructing your own property, we know that while the form of the building matters, the function is so much more important. Without solid foundations, it will degrade over time. Without effective security, it will be breached. Without proper utilities, it will not be habitable.

For this reason, businesses should be considered as a structure or a construction more than a simple entity. In this way, we can focus on the strong pillars upon which it rests, helping us develop a more competent outfit no matter how humble our ambitions may be.

Yet while some of the most obvious necessities can seem as though they are the most integral – such as branding and reputation management , their very ability to be changed on a whim suggests that they might not be part of the foundation upon which everything else rests. With this in mind, we would like to consider some of the most essential pillars in 2021, and how to integrate them when building your firm:

Market Placement

Every business needs to occupy a space in its market and its industry. It might seem as though the market is ripe and expansive, and often it is, but it’s also true that there are only a select amount of people and businesses that can realistically use your products and services depending on your reach. For that reason, it’s essential to consider where your space can be, and how you can curate it. An art shop situating in a busy shopping centre next to three others is not a wise investment, unless you have something particularly unique and valuable to offer. This principle can be applied at scale.


The quality of your service, your goods, and most importantly, your principles will define how competent your business is and what kind of interest it generates. This is also defined by the strength of how this relates to the audience you are pursuing. For instance, sustainability is a value ever-increasing in popularity, so it may be that the quality of your products or service is defined by this, and not just the raw craftsmanship or handmade approach you take to every order. As you can see, quality can be defined differently, but it must always be present.


Logistics are an essential part of business life. No matter if you outsource a firm or utilize Easy as HGV to source your own drivers, and essential part of developing a competent path forward is defined by just what scheduling you put forward in your delivery networks, and how reliable suppliers or supplies of goods might be. For this reason, having your own investments (even if that just means utilizing the most appropriate logistics firm for your needs) can help you avoid going without, or being let down by unreliable firms when you need them most.

With this in mind, we’re sure your business will thrive upon the three crucial pillars every firm relies on.

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