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Important Skills To Learn This Year


When looking to develop yourself both personally and professionally, it is crucial for you to look into skills you can learn and new ways to get the most out of your job. Whether you want to learn an instrument for your own personal pleasure or learn a new language to open up job opportunities – there are many things you can do. 

Today we are going to take a look at some of the different skills you can learn today to help you thrive this year. 

A new language

Learning a new language can be a huge challenge however it is also something that can be great for you both personally and professionally. Companies are always in need of people who can speak another language such as a mandarin interpreter for meetings or a french speaker for overseas travel. Having this in your Arsenal will open up some great job opportunities 

for you and it will also be a great thing for your personal life if you decide to travel to your destination country. Being able to understand the people and the culture of a new place is a great skill and one that you can carry with you for a long time. 

Public speaking skills 

Everyone has nerves, and most of us struggle when put on the spot in front of a crowd of people. Whether it be for an interview, a presentation at work, or a zoom class – public speaking is a key skill to learn and one you should invest in. The key to public speaking is getting past those nervous feelings and believing in what you are saying. There are a lot of courses out there that will give you some key public speaking skills and help you to become more confident behind the microphone. 

Basic IT skills 

In this day and age everyone needs to have some basic IT skills. You might know how to use word and excel on a basic level however many jobs will need you to know more than this and some of the more complex functions of excel. From Pivot Tables to the If function – it is a good idea to try learning some of the more nuanced parts of the software as these can be used for your role. As well as the basics, you can take a look at some other skills that may help you to troubleshoot your own computer issues and become more productive at work. 


One of the best skills you will ever learn for your work life and your home life is budgeting. Saving money can be hard – and many people struggle saving money over the course of the year struggle to budget for the important things in their lives. By taking a course in budgeting this might help you both in work to budget for marketing costs and other things, as well as at home to make sure you can optimise your savings while also enjoying the lifestyle you love. 

Consider trying some of these new skills this year. 

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