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In The Age Of Remote Working, How Can You Train Your Staff?

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While the last two years have been thoroughly difficult for businesses of all shapes and sizes, and for obvious reasons, there are a couple of silver linings. Perhaps most important is that staff are starting to see their worth, and are willing to negotiate contracts or seek better opportunities as necessary. The second is that the option for remote work is now more feasible than ever, with staff that find themselves capable of attending meetings virtually, taking days at home once a week or perhaps more so, and working with one another no matter where in the world they are.

However, while the remote working potential is near limitless, there are some pitfalls that might lead your business to think twice. Considering staff training is an important part of this. After all, in the age of remote working – how are you supposed to train your staff appropriately? It can be hard to ask and answer this question. Luckily, the solutions aren’t as elusive as you may original imagine. In this post, we’ll discuss how and why that is:

Virtual Training

Virtual training has become a new norm for many companies hoping to train staff in new skillsets, reinforce learning, or cultivate the skills of a single professional. Using Virtual Classroom Training services with an advanced pedigree can help you outsource some of your training while also ensuring such seminars are reachable, affordable, and can be taken at any time of the year. This can be much more cost-effective than sending a staff member across the country, or having to push your entire workforce for learning in one fell swoop.

Video Conferences

Video conferences as part of internal reviews can help you schedule many appointments that you may otherwise need to bring people together for, such as performance reviews, or a full, business-wide discussion about upgrading to new software suites. Additionally, recorded videos and training advice in this capacity can be recorded and sent to all of your staff members, allowing them to review it as necessary at their own pace. Video tutorials regarding your modules and the submission of work can also be thoroughly useful for outsourced help, who will have immediate training without you needing to be personally present from top to bottom.

Training Documentation

Training documentation can provide a worthwhile reference point that all staff members can access. If they ever have a query, or need to refer to the official policy, then having these documents properly available in your shared files, non-movable but fully readable, and in PDF printable form, can be key. This way, online security protocols, the ability to report issues, submitting work each day, or simply how to operate certain software programs as required by the company can be there in plain text, serving as a handy reference guide at all times of day. This can also limit the number of times a manager needs to be asked the same question.

With this advice, staff training can become a constant thanks to remote work opportunities, rather than a singular and occasional event.

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