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SAAS For Small Businesses

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If you run a small, medium, or large-sized business you will be looking for a way to operate more efficiently and reduce your bottom line. One way to do this is to automate wherever you can, another way is to streamline your operations with SaaS software solutions.    

Freshbook for accounting 

The bottom line of any business is the highest priority, without a bottom line that’s profitable the business is in trouble no matter the size that’s why accounting is such an important department. Nowadays, a business’s profitability can be enhanced with SaaS software accounting options. 

Freshbooks is one of the leading SaaS solutions for accounting and finance. With Freshbooks there is no need to hire expensive accountants to keep your books, it can be done more simply and more effectively with Freshbooks which is incredibly user-friendly with a responsive dash. 

Wrike for collaboration 

Project management is an ongoing challenge when running SML businesses, especially nowadays when there are fewer opportunities to meet face-to-face with colleagues. Luckily, there’s a range of excellent solutions such as Wrike, a top project management SaaS option. 

Wrike is not the most budget-friendly SaaS software for project management but it earns its place at the number one spot because of its high-end features and excellent integration. Useful for marketers, agencies, and organizations, Wilke helps businesses achieve more with software.   

RingCentral for Communication 

Ask any successful entrepreneur, such as Krissy Jones, and they’ll tell you that communication is at the heart of everything when it comes to building a successful brand or business. Not only do you need an efficient way to meet with staff and share information – you need to network too.

These days, the best way to enhance communication in your business is using a software solution such as RingCentral. With RingCentral, all your comms are under one roof, which means your telephone, e-mail, and web meetings, reducing issues and preventing downtime.  

Nifty for workflow

Sometimes seen as another project management tool, Nifty is also used to enhance workflows by creating better integration and streamlined processes. Nifty uses a simple dashboard that all colleagues can access at any location, managers can then assign tasks efficiently as required. 

If you work for a company that uses Nifty you turn up at your laptop in the morning and log into the platform. Click on the calendar and you will see your assigned tasks for the day, week, or month which helps keep all of your projects on target and help you meet your SMART goals.   

Google workspace for Docs 

Google Workspace was formerly known as G-Suit, but in truth, not a lot has changed since it’s been re-branded. Google Workstation still includes all your favorite integrated SaaS services such as Docs, Sheets, Gmail, DRive, and Calander. It’s hard to see past Google sometimes. 

There are some clear advantages to using Google Workspace over alternative SaaS software, for one thing the Google Workspace is familiar to most people already so less training is required, it’s also incredibly streamlined and very inexpensive in comparison to other SaaS.  

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