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Corporate Dad does Disney on Ice – Frozen @Liverpool

As one of probably a handful in the Liverpool Echo Arena on Wednesday night, I hadn’t watched the Disney classic Frozen before!


I got asked this a lot on the night. How could I possibly not see something that’s been shouted from the rooftops and exploded as a phenomenon throughout the past couple of years. With a teenage daughter at launch, it wasn’t high on our watch list as it was uncool and when at relatives who had it on, there was a brew and a chat waiting as well as 100 other things. Work and travel are a big part of my day so most of my TV and Film content is viewed through various online streaming platforms. So this is me, Frozenless? Defrosted? I’m not sure what the term is for someone who hasn’t seen it and to add I’ve also not been to any of the Disney on Ice shows. Having just flown in from Paris, I manage to get to the Echo Arena in Liverpool and meet my family and the lads from the Dad Network just in time to be shown to our seats. Dad Network Does Disney There was time to get a quick snap with Mickey as The Dad Network Troop! I’m not going to give any of the magic from the show away, unlike a lot of the people there that was literally videoing everything.

So to summarise here’s a few of my favourite bits and top tips:

  • Great parking right by the arena. Discounted rate for the event parking too!
  • Plenty of food and drinks opportunities inside the arena and clearly marked seating.
  • If you’re not a fan of Frozen or haven’t seen it, it really doesn’t matter! This is an extraordinary feat put on by amazing skaters/actors. I can only just about skate but remember the moves and scenes would just be impossible! img_1032
  • Whatever their age they will enjoy it! My 14yr old loved it and was actually telling her friends about it rather than keep it secret. Parent Win! Corporate Dad and Daughter
  • There’s baby changing in the Men’s. Another Win!
  • Make sure you’re prepared for the very little ones to nap and there’s a slightly scary part in the 2nd half for younger ones. It actually added to the show and the kids on our row were so engrossed they couldn’t look away.
  • You’ll end up singing the songs! You cannot escape Frozen! 
  • Most of all enjoy it. Don’t be one of those that live it through the lens of a camera. Experience the atmosphere, amazing songs and enjoy a night off having fun. There’s nothing worse that taking a video that will never be watched again. Disney on Ice - Frozen in Liverpool Echo Arena
It was a great experience and one we’ll definitely add to the calendar. Now if I could only stop singing “Let it Go” at work, that would be great 🙂  ]]>


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