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Take Control of Family Finances

Ask the vast majority of people what causes them the most stress in life, and chances are they’ll all say ‘money.’ In a world ruled by little pieces of paper, it can often feel as though we never have enough of it, and the money we do have just doesn’t stretch as far as we’d like it to. Plus, as much as every parent loves their kids unconditionally, it is safe to say that children themselves can put a significant strain on our wallets. School fees, days out, clothes, and toys can all start to add up one way or another, until before we know it we have minimal cash leftover at the end of the month. Of course, you may wonder what the problem is if you’re putting food on the table every night and if your kids are healthy and happy. But it can always pay to have a little bit extra in the bank, especially if you want to save for something like a vacation or put more money into your pension pot. If you can feel your finances spiraling out of your control and you want to get back in the driving seat, here are a few things you can do. Lay everything on the table Do you find that your money disappears at an alarming rate each month, and you can’t put your finger on where it is that you are spending? A surprising amount of us ends up paying out more than we need to for things like household bills and continuing to pay standing orders and direct debits on things we don’t even need anymore. If you need some help organizing your monthly ingoings and outgoings, why not utilize the services of someone like AccountantsEastLondon.com? Some of us are just naturally bad with money, and that’s fine, but having a professional to guide you through can seriously pay off. Hunt for discounts You may love the spontaneity of suddenly announcing to your kids that you’re going on a family day out, and seeing the happiness on their face when you treat them to something. However, doing a little bit of planning in advance could actually save you hundreds of pounds. Say, for example, you want to take your kids to a wildlife park, and a family ticket is £50. By scouring discount websites and looking for online deals, you may be able to find a code that gets you some money off. Get thrifty It can be hard to backtrack on a lifetime of habits, but consider what luxuries in your life you actually deem essential. Do you, for example, have a bit of a penchant for designer shirts? There’s nothing wrong with that, of course, but a brand new one every month is certainly going to eat into your budget. Consider instead investing in second hand or vintage clothing to feed your addiction – the plus side is that you’re bound to find something much more unique as well.]]>

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