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Tips for a Stress Free Parenting Holiday

When you’re a kid, holidays are a universally relaxing, exciting thing.  When you’re an adult, on the other hand, you’re in the driver’s seat! If you came back from your last trip feeling more stressed than you left, here are some tips to make the next one more enjoyable. Have a Cushion at Both Ends This is one of the simpler things you can do to take some of the stress out of your holiday, and yet often it’s all it takes to make a real difference. If you’re taking a long trip with a lot of strenuous travel, you can relieve a lot of stress from the whole experience by simply taking a day or two off before and after your trip. This will free up time for packing and doing a final check of the details, and give you some recovery time on the other end. Plan Out Excursions When you’re visiting somewhere that’s popular as a tourist destination, it’s going to be near impossible to fit every last attraction into your trip, so take some time to think about what’s important to you and the others in your family, and plan your trip out accordingly. This will help you take that massive list of expert guided tours in the area, and narrow it down to the things you’d really regret missing out on. You don’t want to leave all your planning until you’re out there, as this can mean rushing into second-rate excursions and generally piling on more stress. Put a Cap on Electronics The whole idea of a holiday is that you can escape from everyday life, right? If you’ve constantly got a smartphone buzzing in your pocket, and updates flashing up on your tablet, you’re going to find it pretty hard to really make the most of this time off that you’ve earned! Yes, you may need at least some technology for your trip, but try to limit it to get the most out of the experience. For example, if you’re going out sightseeing, bring one phone between the family for pictures, and leave the rest at the hotel. Take Care of Yourself The feeling of travel might make you feel automatically awake and invigorated, but it’s important to bear in mind that it can be very tough on our bodies. When you’re cutting loose on a family trip, it can be pretty easy to forget about healthy habits, and what you’re doing for your body as a whole. There’s a distinct link between how healthy you keep yourself and how stressed you feel, so don’t make things harder for yourself by neglecting your health. Keeping an eye on your diet, making room for some exercise, and giving yourself eight hours of sleep when you can, can all relieve a lot of stress both during and after your trip.]]>

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